Police Beat • 04/25/2023 Skip to main content

Police Beat • 04/25/2023

Officers responded (Over two-hour time delay) to Helaman Halls on a report of a male subject in a Corvette following a group of females. The reporting party stated the subject was pointing a laser pointer at her and her friends' stomachs and chests. The reporting party took down the license plate of the Corvette before reporting the incident to BYU dispatch. Officers searched the area but could not locate a vehicle that matched the description. The vehicle is registered on campus with a student but has a separately registered owner on file. One of the officers attempted to contact the registered owner by phone and left a message. Further follow-up is being done.

A complainant applied for a job through text messaging to a company claiming to be Neova Group. After being hired, the company sent the complainant a check for the amount of $4,925.00, to purchase the computer equipment needed for the job. After depositing the check into his own bank, the company requested the complainant purchase the equipment through one of their vendors, by using bit coin, but when that didn't work, they tried Zelle. Zelle didn't work, so with the suggestion from the company, the complainant purchased $4,600.00 worth of Apple gift cards, took pictures of the back of the cards, and sent those pictures to the company. The complainant learned today that the check the company sent him bounced. The case will be referred to investigations.

Lost Property
A student left his property in a building after a performance. The student will check with custodial for that building. The Lost and Found told the student they had not received his property.

Lost Property
A student came to the station to report his battery powered scooter was stolen after he left it unattended inside a building. Police know that custodians have been given procedures on finding such vehicles to take and secure. Police found it in the custodial closet. The scooter was returned to the complainant and police informed the complainant not to park battery powered vehicles inside the building due to fire hazards.

A tenant of Wymount reported that his wife, who had recently given birth a week prior, was experiencing a fever, chills, and other symptoms. A BYU officer, along with Provo Fire responded. The female patient was evaluated by the Provo Fire medics advised that the patient was not in dire need of transportation to the hospital but that she should seek medical treatment first thing in the morning. The patient was not transported. No further action was taken. The BYU officer and Provo Fire cleared the scene.

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