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Police Beat • 09/20/2024

Found Property
BYU police were dispatched to the LVES for some found property. The reporting party had located two training cartridges and wanted to return them to law enforcement. The cartridges were found to be simunition rounds and are used for law enforcement training. The rounds were collected from the reporting party to police custody.

Agency Assist
An officer responded to a traffic accident in Lot 59. The officer found that the accident happened on 500 East at 790 North and is under Provo Police jurisdiction. A Provo police officer responded and took the accident report.

A BYU official reported that individuals were playing soccer on the football team's practice field north of the Student Athletic Building. Upon arrival, the officer found the football field, which is located directly north of the SAB, clear of any soccer players. However, the officer did observe what appeared to be an organized intramural soccer game taking place on the intramural field, situated to the north of the football team's practice field. The officer spoke with some of the referees and the supervisor of the intramural game, confirming that they were indeed playing a regularly scheduled intramural match.

Welfare Check
An officer was dispatched in response to a welfare check concerning a female who did not clear from a safe walk. The officer was able to reach her residence, make contact with her, and she explained that she was fine and had simply forgotten to clear the safe walk.

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