Police Beat • 09/25/2024 Skip to main content

Police Beat • 09/25/2024

Traffic Offense
On September 25, 2024, at 2345 hours, an older model, silver full-size truck was observed driving southbound on the sidewalk on the west side of Heritage 7. The driver was operating the vehicle recklessly, and the occupants were being loud. The complainant reported that there were two males inside the truck. The officer met with the complainant and conducted extra patrols in the area. Dispatch checked the plate readers in the vicinity but was unable to locate any trucks matching the description. A picture of the truck is attached to this report.

Traffic Offense
An officer responded to a traffic offense call at 400 E 800N. The officer stopped two electric scooter riders traveling along 800 North at approximately 35 mph, failing to yield at the crosswalks. The officer provided them with information about riding electric scooters on the BYU campus since they were students. They were very cooperative and were issued a warning.

Welfare Check
An officer responded to the Wilkinson Center - Cougar Eat for a welfare check on a male who was making a lot of noise, talking to himself, and waving his arms. The complainant believed the male might have special needs. Officers located the individual and observed him from a distance. The male was calm, seated at a countertop with a laptop computer, and had picked up food from one of the restaurants. His behavior and demeanor appeared consistent with someone on the autism spectrum. Officers monitored him for 15 minutes and determined there was no concern for his welfare, nor was there a need for intervention.

Vehicle Burglary
An officer responded to the report of a vehicle burglary at Lot 49 on BYU campus. The officer contacted the victim at the police station. The victim reported her car being broken into yesterday during daytime hours. Items missing include personal items, sunglasses, and cash. No damage to the vehicle. The vehicle was alarmed. The alarm was going off when the victim arrived at the scene to retrieve her vehicle. The case is under investigation.

An officer responded to the Richards Building on a medical call. A student participating in a health research program passed out when giving blood. The student recovered and was alert when the medics arrived. The Provo medics evaluated the student and released her at the scene.

Abandoned 911
An officer was assigned to an abandoned 911 call after dispatch received it and left a message. The officer managed to reach the caller and confirmed that everything was okay; it had been an inadvertent call.

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