Information An officer was dispatched to the J. Reuben Clark Law School after an employee reported a potential homeless individual in the lobby. The building was closed for the Thanksgiving holiday. Upon arrival, the officer found an adult male sleeping in a chair in the lobby. When the officer approached, the male stood up, refused to answer questions, and walked out of the building. There was no evidence of damage or forced entry. The officer checked all exterior doors to ensure they were locked, and the male quickly left the campus.
Welfare Check Officers responded to Heritage Halls, building #15, following a report of a welfare check. They contacted the complainant, the subject's sister, who stated that she was supposed to pick up her brother for their family Thanksgiving dinner. However, she could not reach him by phone or get him to answer the door. After knocking loudly for several minutes without response, the officers had a hall advisor present while they checked the apartment. The subject was found to be sleeping, and no problems were observed.
Unsecured Premises Officers responded to the Cannon Center on an unsecured premises where the door latch was stuck open. The officer was able to secure the door and the alarm reset.
Accident The complainant reported that her vehicle was damaged sometime in the past week while it was parked in a designated parking stall between buildings 5A and 4C at Wymount Terrace. The damage is on the front bumper on the driver’s side and appears to have been caused by another vehicle backing into it. There are no surveillance cameras or other investigative leads at this time.