Information A vehicle was seen driving westbound on University Parkway and throwing a firework at a group of individuals sitting on the sidewalk of Lot 49. The vehicle was not positively identified, and the individuals in the group declined to file a report with the police. Fortunately, no one in the group was injured in this incident. This report is being filed for informational purposes.
Traffic Offense A BYU student was working a traffic post at the corner of Canyon Road and Stadium Avenue when an older male approached the barricade and attempted to drive around it. The student employee stepped up to the vehicle and waved her hands to signal him to stop, but the driver merely waved back and continued, bumping into her in the process. The investigating officer made several attempts to contact the driver but has been unsuccessful. As a result, the officer referred the identified driver to the Utah Driver’s License Division for re-examination.
Alcohol Offense A 20-year-old, intoxicated individual attempted to gain admission to a BYU football game. The individual was cited for unlawful consumption and then was transported and was later released to the custody of their family.
Found Property A wallet was turned in to a BYU police officer at Lavell Edwards Stadium after the football game that night. The owner was contacted, and the wallet was returned.
Assault After the football game, an officer was contacted by an individual who wished to file assault charges against another person. Both individuals had attended the BYU football game before the incident occurred. The officer spoke with both parties, and each expressed a desire to file assault charges against the other. The case will be referred to the investigation unit for follow-up.
Unsecured Premises A police officer responded to Miller Park when a BYU employee reported that doors were found unsecured at the main building. The officer located the open doors and secured them. No further actions taken.
Fire Alarm-Gas Smell An officer responded with Provo Fire to WyMount Laundry Building #2 for a reported gas smell in the area. Upon arrival, Provo Fire was on the scene and was unable to detect any gas readings on a 4-gas detector, nor could they smell anything in the vicinity. The reporting party stated that he could no longer detect the same odor he had noticed when he made the call.