Rape Aggression Defense Program (R.A.D.)
R.A.D. Basic Physical Defense for Women

Already registered for the Self Defense class (SWELL 155) for fall or winter semester?
Pay Class Fee
What is the R.A.D. Program?
R.A.D (Rape Aggression Defense) Systems is a system of defense for women. It advocates realistic employable tactics and techniques. It is a comprehensive course, for women, that focuses on awareness, prevention, risk reduction, strategies and avoidance in conjunction with carefully selected defensive training tactics.
R.A.D. Systems is dedicated to teaching women defensive concepts and techniques against various types of assault, by utilizing easy, effective and proven self-defense tactics. This system of realistic defense will provide a woman with the knowledge to make an educated decision about resistance.
The R.A.D Basic Physical Defense classes, educate and train women specifically how to defend themselves physically from a sexual assault attack. The classes are for women only and are taught by BYU Police officers and staff who are trained and certified to teach the R.A.D. Systems program.
- SWELL 155, a Self Defense (RAD) course, is a credited class offered Fall and Winter semesters.
- A fee of $35.00 per person will be required which includes 2 manuals and a kubaton.
- You may pay with a credit card or through BYU's My Financial Center. We do not accept cash.
For more information please contact one of the following instructors:
Sgt. Richard Laursen | (801) 422-0911
Mary Mauck | (801) 822-8072
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