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Police Beat

Police Beat • 03/12/2025

March 14, 2025 10:42 AM
Suspicious Person
BYU Police were dispatched to Wymount for a suspicious male who was reported as carrying a crowbar. An officer responded to the area and found the male in the area. The individual advised he was a plumber and that he was working in the area fixing pipes. The supposed crowbar was a wrench used to access the pipes.

Criminal Mischief
BYU Police received a report of graffiti on a sign that had been posted on a door in the WSC. The complainant stated they did not need any police action; however, they requested that the incident be documented in case further problems arise.

Property Damage
Report of a vehicle hitting a parking barrier at the MTC: The officer responded to the scene and observed and documented the incident. There was minimal superficial cosmetic damage to the involved property. Information was collected from the driver of the vehicle, and the Facilities department was notified.

Lost Property
An officer was asked to contact the complainant regarding a missing key from the Engineering Building. The complainant stated that the key was a 1400 key #40 and believed it went missing sometime between 2018 and 2023. The complainant also mentioned that the key was discovered missing during the campus key audit.

Lost Property
A call was received in dispatch via email of a lost wallet. An officer contacted the caller by phone. The caller reported being around the Blue Line restaurant and other locations on campus. Items were entered into the local database, and efforts were made to check lost and found locations. The caller has been proactive in efforts to locate the wallet.

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Police Beat • 03/11/2025

March 14, 2025 07:17 AM
Officers were dispatched to the SAB regarding a student athlete who had been sleeping in the building. According to the complainant, the student had previously received permission from the coaching staff to sleep in the SAB. This information will be verified through the administrative staff.

The accident involved a BYU box truck and a Ford Bronco. No injuries were reported, and there was minimal superficial damage to one vehicle. One vehicle backed into the other. An officer responded to the scene and photographed and documented the collision.

BYU Police responded to a traffic accident on BYU Campus. An officer facilitated the exchange of information for insurance purposes, and documented the damage sustained by the vehicles involved. The parties were provided with the case number for insurance purposes.

Lost Property
Report of missing keys from the Clyde Building. An officer made contact by phone and assisted in documenting the inventory of the missing keys. The keys were later located by the complainant.

Public Peace - Noise Complaint
BYU Police were dispatched to a noise complaint at Wyview Park. The complainant stated she had been woken up by some loud construction noises in the middle of the night. Officers patrolled around the area but were unable to find any construction work occurring in the area on campus. The complainant was advised to talk to Provo Police.

Lost Property
A report was filed regarding a missing key from the Joseph F. Smith Building; the specific lock the key belongs to is unknown. Although it is listed in the inventory, the key cannot be located. The officer documented the report for informational purposes.

Animal Problem
BYU Police responded to Wyview Park regarding an injured deer. Officers discovered that the deer had a broken leg yet continued to run around the area. They were unable to get the deer to stop long enough or in a safe enough location to euthanize it, so they left the animal alone.

Found Property
BYU Police were dispatched to a found property incident at Budge Hall. The hall advisor stated he found a police barricade inside an apartment during inspections. The student thought it was cool, so he put it inside his apartment. Security dispatch was asked to pick up the barricade, while the officer spoke to the student about the incident.

An officer responded to the IPF regarding a patient who had injured their knee during an intramural soccer game. The patient was medically cleared by BYU EMS and transported to the hospital by private vehicle.

Citizen Contact
An officer was dispatched to the MTC regarding a suspicious package containing a white substance. The officer determined that the white powder was not an illicit substance but rather a prank involving laundry soap. There was no way to ascertain how long the package had been in the area where it was found.

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Police Beat • 03/09/2025 - 03/10/2025

March 14, 2025 06:50 AM
Suspicious Person
Report of an adult male observed near an all-girls dorm. An officer contacted the caller and followed up to identify the male. No suspicious activity was noted; the subject had proper access and resides at the location.

Officers responded to the trailhead for a medical assist reported by Provo. The only detail provided was that an individual had passed out. Officers checked the area and were unable to locate a problem.

Citizen Contact
BYU Police were contacted regarding a minor traffic accident that had been delayed in reporting. Both parties involved had already exchanged information but had questions about how to report the incident to their insurance and whether they needed a police report. An officer addressed their inquiries and clarified the civil nature of their accident. They were then directed to their insurance agents for further assistance.

A caller reported a fraudulent incident involving the sale of a vehicle on Facebook. The caller made a deposit using a pay app linked to their debit card, believing they were purchasing the vehicle from a legitimate seller. However, it was later revealed that the Facebook account they interacted with had been hacked. An officer documented the incident and advised the caller to contact their bank regarding the transaction. The case is currently under investigation.

BYU Police responded to a report of a delayed scooter theft at Wyview Park. The stolen scooter was equipped with an Apple AirTag, providing a tracking mechanism. An officer collected the details of the incident and forwarded the information to Detectives, who will work on locating the scooter using the tracking data.

An officer was investigating another scooter theft. It was reported that the complainant's scooter had been stolen from the bike rack near the SAB. The necessary information was gathered, and a report was completed. There are no suspects or camera footage available in the area where the theft occurred.

Report of a Single Vehicle (Motorcycle) Accident on 450 East. An officer responded to the scene and contacted the motorcycle driver. The driver had lost control of the bike, resulting in a crash in the travel lane. Provo Fire/EMS also responded, but the driver declined medical assistance. The motorcycle was left inoperable. The driver and a friend removed the bike from the scene.

Welfare Check
An officer was dispatched to Helaman Halls for a welfare check. Dispatch advised that the complainant had been unable to get in touch with a family member for over an hour. Before the officer arrived at the subject's residence, the complainant called back and reported that they had been in contact with the subject, and assistance was no longer needed.

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Police Beat • 03/08/2025

March 13, 2025 10:15 AM
Citizen Contact
An officer was dispatched to respond to a telephone call about an individual who found damage to their vehicle. The complainant stated that they were unsure if the damage occurred on BYU's campus or off campus. There is no security camera footage of the incident during the timeframe when the vehicle was on campus. According to the complainant, the damage consists of marks that can be buffed out.

Officers were dispatched to assist BYU Security at the Hinckley Center during a planned disruption of a professor's lecture. BYU Security officers met with the organizers of the disruption and asked them to leave the property. As the group was departing, they continued to disrupt by engaging with individuals entering the building. Afterward, they gathered by their cars, talking to people as they walked past. BYU Police Officers responded to ensure that the individuals left BYU property promptly, as requested by BYU Security. Eventually, the group left campus after speaking with the police officers.

Welfare Check
An officer was dispatched to the BYU Broadcasting building to perform a welfare check. The check was requested for a security officer who was not responding to radio or cell phone communication. The officer located the security officer and found everything to be normal; he had simply lost service while patrolling the building.

An officer was dispatched to the Richards building in response to a medical call. Upon arrival, the officer and Provo Fire personnel met with the patient, who reported dislocating their shoulder while playing volleyball.

Vehicle Theft
A BYU employee was traveling on 800 N near Botany Pond when he saw a lawn care vehicle that he recognized as stolen from near Miller Park earlier that week—though it had not yet been reported to the police—being driven on the opposite side of the road by a group of teenage boys. The BYU employee contacted the juveniles, and the police were notified. BYU police responded to the scene and spoke with both the BYU employee and the juveniles. One of the juveniles claimed to have purchased the vehicle off Facebook Marketplace the day before, paying in cash. He asserted that he was unaware the vehicle was stolen and did not know the identity of the individual from whom he bought it. The juveniles' parents were contacted, and all of the juveniles were released into the custody of family members. BYU Grounds took custody of the recovered vehicle. This investigation is ongoing.

An officer was dispatched to the Richards Building to speak with two individuals who were reportedly inside after hours. As the officer arrived, he observed four individuals—two men and two women—walking away from the building. When the officer spoke with the complainant, a student employee, he indicated that there were two men and two women in the building, but they may have already left.

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Police Beat • 03/07/2025

March 13, 2025 07:52 AM
Found Property
An officer was performing an extra patrol at the Smith Field House and found a student ID card. Dispatch contacted the student by phone, and she will pick up her ID card later. She was informed to call dispatch when she is ready to pick up her card.

An officer responded to lot 52 regarding an accident that occurred when a BYU snowplow contacted a parked truck while plowing snow near Wymount 6. The vehicle owner arrived, inspected his bumper, and stated that he did not wish to make a claim. The truck had primarily black plastic transferred from the plow. Pictures were taken and added to this report.

An officer was dispatched to a traffic accident in Lot 46, west of the West Campus Office Building. A BYU employee backed a BYU vehicle into a handrail, resulting in minimal damage. The officer identified the driver and documented the incident in this report.

Found Property
While clearing snow on the walkway at the Marriott Center, grounds personnel discovered a wallet. Following standard procedures, the wallet was turned into the special event office, which was not able to locate the owner using the information inside. An officer responded to the scene to take custody of the wallet. Dispatch then contacted the owner, who came to the JKB to retrieve their property. Upon inspection, it was confirmed that nothing was missing from the wallet.

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Police Beat • 03/06/2025

March 07, 2025 08:54 AM
Property Damage
An officer responded to a traffic accident involving a BYU box truck delivery vehicle at Lot 46. The driver reported that as he was opening the back gate, a gust of wind caused it to hit a parked car, resulting in a minor ding that was hardly noticeable among existing damage on the vehicle's door.

Citizen Contact
On March 6, 2025, at 1653 hours, an officer met with a complainant who stated that his cell phone had been taken from West Campus. The complainant had been tracking his phone through an app before it died. Later, the complainant called back and said that he had found his phone at West Campus. No further action was needed.

An officer responded to Heritage 15 regarding a noise complaint. The complainant reported a group of students outside the building at 1:30 AM who were throwing snowballs, making a lot of noise, and disturbing the peace. The officer located the group, who were enjoying the new snow, and asked them to either quiet down or move their activity to an area away from the housing to avoid disturbing other students trying to sleep or study. The group agreed and left the area.

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Police Beat • 03/05/2025

March 06, 2025 07:40 AM
An officer responded to a call regarding a medical issue at the Joseph F. Smith Building. Upon arrival, the officer assisted BYU EMS in assessing the situation. It was concluded that the patient did not require transportation for further medical care. Feeling cold and weak, which was likely caused by the chilly and rainy weather outside, the officer offered a ride to the patient and their roommate to Helaman Halls.

Found Property
An officer responded to the Martin Building after receiving a report about a found debit card. Upon arrival, the Officer took possession of the card and managed to contact its owner. The owner explained that their spouse was at school and likely lost it there. Following the owner's request, the spouse came to the police department to retrieve the card.

Citizen Contact
An officer responded to a report of a troubling note found in the bathroom of the Wilkinson Student Center. The complainant discovered the note, which had a list of pros and cons regarding suicide, but it did not include any identifying information or a direct threat. Due to the absence of surveillance cameras in the area, the officer had no information regarding the person who may need help. Investigators will follow up on the case.

An officer responded to a call at the Harold B. Lee Library regarding a male student having an allergic reaction. Upon arrival, BYU EMS and Provo Medics were already on scene; BYU EMS administered an epinephrine dose while Provo Medics assessed the student. After evaluation, the medics released the patient. The officer then drove the student home to his residence.

An officer and Provo Fire personnel were dispatched to Wymount Terrace after a complainant expressed concern for a patient who had recently returned home from the hospital and was feeling unwell. Upon arrival, Provo Fire assessed the patient's vital signs, which appeared normal. After evaluation, the patient declined any transport to the hospital.

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Police Beat • 03/04/2025

March 05, 2025 09:52 AM
An officer responded to a medical call at the IPF, along with BYU EMS and Provo Fire. The patient was medically cleared and refused EMS transport, opting instead to be taken home by a personal vehicle.

An officer, BYU EMS, and Provo Paramedics were dispatched to the RB for an injury during an intramural game. Provo Paramedics and BYU EMS arrived first and indicated no police assistance was needed. The individual was evaluated and refused transport by Provo Paramedics.

Hit & Run
An officer contacted the complainant regarding a delayed hit-and-run in Lot #16. The officer located the incident on camera and is identifying the driver. The complainant did not wish to pursue charges but requested insurance information from the suspect vehicle. The driver’s exchange form will be completed once the driver is identified.

An officer was dispatched to the SAB for a delayed theft of an electric scooter. The complainant reported parking the scooter unlocked at a bicycle rack on 02/24/25, and it was gone upon return. The officer searched for camera footage but found none. The scooter lacked identifying details and could not be entered into NCIC.

Keep the Peace
BYU Police responded to Wyview Park to keep the peace during a property exchange due to a court-issued no-contact order. The exchange proceeded smoothly without incident.

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Police Beat • 03/03/2025 to 03/04/2025

March 04, 2025 11:52 AM
Domestic Violence
BYU Police responded to a delayed domestic violence report at Wyview Park. The victim reported that her husband had been physically violent towards her and their dog following an argument. After interviewing both parties, officers determined that the husband had acted with intent to harm. He was arrested and transported to the Utah County Jail.

Citizen Contact
A caller reported a potential collision with another vehicle. Although no damage was apparent, the caller could not provide sufficient details to identify the other vehicle involved. The caller sought advice on how to handle such incidents with the police. An officer contacted the caller by phone to discuss the situation.

BYU Police were dispatched to assist a sick individual at the JKB. A student reported feeling light-headed and shaky and requested evaluation by EMS personnel. EMS responded and assessed the student, who declined further medical attention. The student's spouse arrived to pick them up.

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Police Beat • 02/28/2025 to 03/02/2025

March 04, 2025 11:42 AM
An officer was dispatched to call a complainant about a delayed assault in the Tanner Building on 02/27/25. The complainant and suspect are classmates who had been discussing ethics. As they were leaving, the suspect allegedly grabbed the complainant by the shoulders, causing pain and making the complainant feel unable to pull away. The complainant wanted to pursue assault charges. However, after reviewing footage and interviewing the suspect, the officer determined no crime had occurred. This information was reported to the BYU Office of Belonging. No further action is required.

An officer met with a student at the Harold B. Lee Library who reported seeing another student commit a lewd act the previous day. The reporting student saw a male student with his hand on his crotch area over his clothing on the level two study area. The reporting student could not provide a detailed description other than the male being college aged. The area where the incident occurred is not covered by cameras.

Traffic Offense
Dispatch Center reported a white Mazda CX5 driving on the sidewalk near Brigham Square. When an officer arrived, the vehicle was gone. The Dispatch Center provided the vehicle's license plate, owner's name, and phone number. The officer contacted the owner, who explained he works for BYU Athletics and was hanging posters for a tennis match. He usually uses a golf cart, but it was unavailable. The officer advised him to use the golf cart and to call the Dispatch Center before hanging posters late at night. The owner agreed.

Welfare Check
Officer responded to Heritage Halls for a welfare check on a student who was supposed to be on an 0800-hour flight to Florida. The student's family was unable to contact him. The officer found the student at 0730; he had slept through his alarm. The student, who was flying home to open his Mission Call, was packed and ready to go. The officer drove him to the Provo airport. The officer also informed the student's mother that he was at the airport and should make his flight. The mother texted the officer, confirming the student was on the plane to Florida and they would Facetime the BYU police officers when he opened his Mission Call later that day.

Damaged Property
An officer was dispatched to Budge Hall for a delayed property damage report. Showerheads and pipes had been removed from the bathroom in the 3200 wing. Residents filed an emergency maintenance request, and BYU Facilities repaired most of the damage. Cracked tiles and broken lights will be fixed later. Possible suspects are being looked into, but the culprit is unknown at this time.

Citizen Contact
An officer was dispatched to Lot 59, south of the Life Science Building, to help a student locate her vehicle. The student was concerned it had been towed. The officer found the car in Lot 57 and gave the student a ride to her vehicle.

Citizen Assist
An officer responded to the Marriott Center to assist a citizen who believed they had lost their wallet during a basketball game. Together, the officer and the citizen found the wallet under the floor riser and seat where the citizen had been sitting.

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