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Police Beat


Police Beat • 09/27/2024 - 09/29/2024

An employee from Enrollment Services reported receiving inappropriate phone calls from a caller who claimed to have a daughter attending BYU. When the enrollment services agent attempted to address the caller's questions, the caller went on a rant, sharing a story that included sexually explicit material. The case has been referred to Investigations to determine if the caller can be identified. Enrollment Services will inform the caller to refrain from contacting BYU in the future.

Accident – Hit & Run
BYU police were dispatched to Lot 37 for a hit and run. The reporting party stated that her vehicle was hit during a two-hour window. The accident caused the front bumper to be ripped off her vehicle. Officers gathered information and reviewed camera footage but were unable to locate a suspect. The reporting party was provided with the case number for insurance purposes.

An officer was assigned by the Dispatch Center to call a student reporting a vehicle traffic accident east of BYU Parking Lot 254, east of Heritage Halls Buildings 14 & 15. The complainant provided vehicle and driver information for two vehicles and drivers and asked officers to search BYU surveillance camera recordings to see if the collision was captured on camera.

BYU Police, EMS and Provo Fire responded to a medical at the North University Fields when two players collided, hitting each other’s heads. Upon arrival the officer found both patients were conscious and breathing. The patients were treated and evaluated by BYU EMS and Provo Fire personnel. Neither of the patients were transported to the hospital and were subsequently released per BYU EMS protocol

Juvenile Problem
An officer responded to the area between the Richards building and the Smith Field House on a report of juveniles riding skateboards in the area, preventing BYU staff from setting up for an event in that area. The juveniles were asked to leave and cooperated with the officer.

An officer responded to the Wilkinson Student Center for a female who had fallen while roller skating. BYU EMS treated the patient and determined that she did not need to be transported. The patient, who lived at Helaman Halls, requested a ride due to still feeling sore from the fall. The officer provided her with a courtesy shuttle.

An officer responded to the Richards Building on a report of a suspicious male who was observed in the area during an event. The officer located the individual who appeared to be participating in the event. No crime or suspicious behavior was observed.

Traffic Offense
An officer observed four individuals riding electric motorcycles on campus. The officer contacted them and informed them about the laws regarding electric-powered motorcycles. The officer provided a printout of the riding rules and regulations on campus. The individuals stated they were not aware of the laws and agreed to refrain from riding on campus in the future. They were given a verbal warning and were last seen leaving campus on 900 East.

Unsecure Premises
A police officer was dispatched to the Indoor Practice Facility when the building's doors were found to be unsecured. Dispatch informed the officer that an event had been scheduled at the IPF until 1 AM; however, the event had ended early.

Welfare Check
An officer was dispatched to Helaman Halls regarding a welfare check. The complainant’s friend was out on a date and no longer answering text messages which made them concerned for their welfare. The Officer was able to get in contact with the subject who advised she was fine and did not need any assistance. The Officer contacted the complainant as requested with a disposition.

Abandoned 911 Call
BYU police were dispatched to an abandoned 911 call. Dispatch was able to contact the responsible party who advised there was no emergency, and a child had accidentally dialed 911. No action taken.

A BYU student was playing soccer with friends at the IPF when he twisted his ankle. Provo and BYU EMS responded to the scene, assessed the injury and released the patient to a friend.

Found Property
An officer was provided a student identification card that was found at a bus stop near campus. The Officer was able to contact the owner of the card and meet with him. The card was provided back to the owner who advised he had just misplaced the card.

BYU Police responded to an active assault occurring at the Y-trailhead. Dispatch informed officers that one individual had subdued another involved in the altercation. When officers arrived on the scene, the suspected offender was taken into custody and treated by Provo Fire and BYU EMS personnel for self-inflicted injuries sustained from hitting his head repeatedly on the ground. Officers ensured the safety of the other involved parties, gathered witness statements, and documented the scene. Based on the suspect's actions of self-harm and his statements, he was transported to the hospital and involuntarily committed by the officers.

An officer was assigned to call a resident of Wymount Terrace about damage to her parked vehicle. The resident stated the rear bumper of her 2011 white colored Nissan Sentra was damaged while parked in one of two parking lots on-campus. The complainant asked that we search the BYU surveillance security camera system to see if the cause of the damage was captured on camera. A request was submitted to BYU Security to search the camera system.

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Police Beat • 09/26/2024

An officer was dispatched to the Life Science Building for a student who had passed out. Upon arrival at Room 2022 (Anatomy Lab), the officer found the student conscious and breathing but lying down. Other students assisting her reported that she had fallen from her chair and was unconscious for about 10 seconds. EMS arrived shortly afterward and attended to the student. They offered her some food and applesauce, and she felt improved to the point where she could stand without assistance. She declined transportation to a medical facility and was able to return to her schoolwork.

Agency Assist
The Provo Police Department and the Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) came onto the BYU Campus to assist a student who resided in Provo and was reportedly suicidal. The student was located on campus and taken to the Utah Valley Hospital for an involuntary commitment.

Accident – Hit and Run
A report was made regarding a student on a scooter who was struck in a crosswalk by a vehicle in traffic. The officer contacted the caller, who was reporting on behalf of the victim due to a language barrier. Officers located surveillance footage of the incident and are conducting follow-up investigations to identify and locate the vehicle and driver involved. The vehicle in question is a medium-sized white SUV of unknown make and model.

Property Damage
A student employee was driving an extended golf cart on the sidewalk when they attempted a 90-degree turn near a parked vehicle. The back end of the golf cart collided with the rear bumper on the right corner of the vehicle. All parties were contacted and provided with a case number and instructions on how to file a report through BYU Risk Management.

Property Damage
A police officer was dispatched to Lot 45 for a traffic accident and property damage. A school bus had accidentally hit a metal post sign, causing the sign to break and fall over. There was some minor damage to the school bus on the driver's side. The information was gathered by the officer, and the driver of the vehicle was provided with the BYU police case number. BYU grounds was notified of the damaged sign.

Accident – Property Damage
An officer responded to the report of a minor traffic collision in parking lot 46 West Campus at BYU. The involved individuals exchanged relevant information. The officer assisted with information exchange and provided information on contacting their insurance companies.

BYU Police Investigations was contacted by Provo PD Investigations regarding a sexual offense that occurred in the parking lot of the People and Cultures Museum on campus in March 2021. Since Provo has already completed most of the investigation, they will finish the remaining details and screen the case with the County Attorney's Office for potential charges. Our victim advocate at BYU has been notified and will reach out to the victim regarding available services. The BYU Title IX Office was informed in accordance with federal reporting requirements.

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Police Beat • 09/25/2024

Traffic Offense
On September 25, 2024, at 2345 hours, an older model, silver full-size truck was observed driving southbound on the sidewalk on the west side of Heritage 7. The driver was operating the vehicle recklessly, and the occupants were being loud. The complainant reported that there were two males inside the truck. The officer met with the complainant and conducted extra patrols in the area. Dispatch checked the plate readers in the vicinity but was unable to locate any trucks matching the description. A picture of the truck is attached to this report.

Traffic Offense
An officer responded to a traffic offense call at 400 E 800N. The officer stopped two electric scooter riders traveling along 800 North at approximately 35 mph, failing to yield at the crosswalks. The officer provided them with information about riding electric scooters on the BYU campus since they were students. They were very cooperative and were issued a warning.

Welfare Check
An officer responded to the Wilkinson Center - Cougar Eat for a welfare check on a male who was making a lot of noise, talking to himself, and waving his arms. The complainant believed the male might have special needs. Officers located the individual and observed him from a distance. The male was calm, seated at a countertop with a laptop computer, and had picked up food from one of the restaurants. His behavior and demeanor appeared consistent with someone on the autism spectrum. Officers monitored him for 15 minutes and determined there was no concern for his welfare, nor was there a need for intervention.

Vehicle Burglary
An officer responded to the report of a vehicle burglary at Lot 49 on BYU campus. The officer contacted the victim at the police station. The victim reported her car being broken into yesterday during daytime hours. Items missing include personal items, sunglasses, and cash. No damage to the vehicle. The vehicle was alarmed. The alarm was going off when the victim arrived at the scene to retrieve her vehicle. The case is under investigation.

An officer responded to the Richards Building on a medical call. A student participating in a health research program passed out when giving blood. The student recovered and was alert when the medics arrived. The Provo medics evaluated the student and released her at the scene.

Abandoned 911
An officer was assigned to an abandoned 911 call after dispatch received it and left a message. The officer managed to reach the caller and confirmed that everything was okay; it had been an inadvertent call.

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Police Beat • 09/24/2024

Welfare Check
A caller reported a BYU worker unaccounted for around the Smith Field house. The worker had not been answering phone calls. Officers responded to the location to search for the worker. Dispatch then reported that the worker had been located and no further action was needed.

An officer was dispatched to the LSB for a report that a student had passed out. BYU EMS arrived with the officer and were informed that the female had collapsed in a cadaver lab. The female stated that she had not consumed much to eat or drink during the day and did not normally pass out. BYU EMS evaluated her and released her at the scene.

A BYU faculty member reported an unidentified adult female who had attended a class but was not on the roll. The faculty member noted that the female was acting strangely and might need medical attention. An officer and EMS responded to the location, but the female had already left the area, resulting in approximately a 15-minute delay before the report was made. Officers and EMS conducted a walk-through of the JFSB but were unable to locate her. No other suspicious activity was observed, and no additional calls or complaints were received. No further police action was taken at this time.

An officer responded to the library after receiving a report of a suspicious male. Upon speaking with him, the officer discovered that he had a pending trespass ban letter that needed to be served. A BYU Police Detective arrived at the scene and officially served the male with a permanent trespass letter, which he acknowledged understanding. The officers then escorted the man off campus and warned him that he would be arrested if he returned. No further action was taken at this time.

A student reported experiencing unsolicited contact from a male individual that made her uncomfortable. The officer reached out to the student by phone and documented the incident. According to the student, the interaction occurred on campus and involved a casual exchange on social media. She has since blocked the individual.

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Police Beat • 09/22/2024 - 09/23/2024

Citizen Contact
A complainant requested phone contact regarding her vehicle, which had been stolen from the Marriott Center parking lot. When the officer called her, she stated that she had found her car and no longer needed assistance.

Traffic Accident
The driver of Vehicle 1 was driving eastbound on Cougar Blvd from Canyon Rd. He was driving in the #1 Lane and went over the center median with the front and rear driver's side tires. Several delineator posts were damaged in the incident. BYU Grounds was notified of the damaged posts. Officers responded to the scene and noted that the driver of Vehicle 1 was having a diabetic episode. BYUEMS and Provo Paramedics responded and verified that the driver of Vehicle 1 had extremely low blood sugar. The driver of Vehicle 1 was treated on the scene and released to a friend. Vehicle 1 was towed due to unknown damage caused to the undercarriage.

Welfare Check
The BYU police department received a report of a student in need of a welfare check, possibly suicidal. The caller is a family member who reported to the police a concern over some text messages that had been sent. Text messages were about recent relationship concerns. Officers contacted the subject by telephone and the student agreed to self-admit for professional care but denied further assistance from Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement maintained contact with the family and the subject throughout the afternoon/evening. Resources were offered. The officer continues to follow up with the family

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Police Beat • 09/21/2024

Traffic Offense
BYU officers were closing the parking lot of the Y-Trail when they observed juveniles on electric motorcycles on the trail. Contact was made with two individuals who stated they still had three friends on electric bikes on the trail. The officer instructed the individuals to call their friends and have them come to the parking lot. The group was educated on the laws regarding electric-powered motorbikes and their usage on the trail and campus. They were given a verbal warning before leaving the area.

Police officers responded to the Motion Picture Studio after two juvenile males were seen trespassing on the property and driving a golf cart belonging to the studio. Before the officers' arrival, a security officer from the studio contacted the juveniles and informed them that law enforcement was on the way. The males were observed running westbound toward the studio's storage facility and were believed to have climbed over the stone wall. When the police officers arrived, they searched the grounds of the Motion Picture Studio but were unable to locate the juveniles. This case will be referred to the Detective Division for further follow-up.

On September 21, 2024, an officer was asked to contact an employee from ESPN regarding a theft that occurred at Lavell Edwards Stadium as preparations for the football game were underway. The employee reported that a microphone valued at $200.00 had been taken. The microphone displayed an ESPN flag. While it is unclear exactly when the microphone was stolen, it was noted to be missing at 7:30 PM. Currently, there is no information about the suspect.

On September 21, 2024, a female requested to meet with a BYU police officer to file a report. The victim stated that her ex-boyfriend had threatened her, causing her to become fearful for her safety. She requested that the officer speak with the suspect and tell him not to contact her in any manner. The officer spoke with the suspect, advised him of the victim's no-contact request, and filed charges for threats of violence. The suspect was informed about how to address the charges and educated regarding the court process. The victim was provided with information about the BYU Police victim advocate and Title IX resources available on campus.

An Officer responded to the LSB on the report of a female who had passed out while working on cadavers in the anatomy lab. Provo and BYU EMS responded to the scene to access the patient. Witnesses reported the patient had hit their head on the floor when she fell. The patient was assessed and denied any medical treatment. The patient was released on scene.

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Police Beat • 09/20/2024

Found Property
BYU police were dispatched to the LVES for some found property. The reporting party had located two training cartridges and wanted to return them to law enforcement. The cartridges were found to be simunition rounds and are used for law enforcement training. The rounds were collected from the reporting party to police custody.

Agency Assist
An officer responded to a traffic accident in Lot 59. The officer found that the accident happened on 500 East at 790 North and is under Provo Police jurisdiction. A Provo police officer responded and took the accident report.

A BYU official reported that individuals were playing soccer on the football team's practice field north of the Student Athletic Building. Upon arrival, the officer found the football field, which is located directly north of the SAB, clear of any soccer players. However, the officer did observe what appeared to be an organized intramural soccer game taking place on the intramural field, situated to the north of the football team's practice field. The officer spoke with some of the referees and the supervisor of the intramural game, confirming that they were indeed playing a regularly scheduled intramural match.

Welfare Check
An officer was dispatched in response to a welfare check concerning a female who did not clear from a safe walk. The officer was able to reach her residence, make contact with her, and she explained that she was fine and had simply forgotten to clear the safe walk.

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Police Beat • 09/19/2024

A bicycle was reported stolen from the Riviera apartments last night or early this morning. The caller stated that he had locked his bike at the bike rack location. He noticed this morning that the bike was missing and believes it may be for sale online. An officer is in contact with the caller to document the case and verify information. The case is currently under investigation.

Motorist Assist
A caller reported a broken-down car in the loading zone at the MTC. Officers responded to the location and contacted an adult male and female whose car would not start. The officers helped with traffic control and used minor tools to get the car running. The subjects and their vehicle left the area without further assistance.

Vehicle Burglary
BYU Patrol Officers followed up on a vehicle burglary case that led them to a storage unit in Provo where officers recovered stolen property and discovered personal use methamphetamine and heroin. The suspect was arrested by BYU Police on felony charges. Provo Police also had active felony cases with the suspect and Orem Police had active cases as well.

An officer and BYU EMS responded to the North University Field following a report of a male with a dislocated knee. The officer and BYU EMS provided assistance to the patient as needed. The patient's father arrived at the scene, and it was determined that the patient would be transported for medical care by him. The patient was assisted into his father's vehicle for transport via private vehicle.

Welfare Check
Officer's responded to the Joseph Fielding Smith Building courtyard on a report of the complainant having a panic attack. The Officer's spoke with the individual until he had calmed down. Later, the student asked for a ride to his dorm in Helaman Halls where he could retrieve his medication. He was transported to his dorm and left in the care of his roommate and hall advisor.

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Police Beat • 09/18/2024

BYU officers assisted Provo Police with an agency assist call near the Riviera Apartments. The complainant reported hearing someone in the area calling for help, and possible gunshots were also heard. Several officers patrolled the area for some time but could not locate any problems. It was later determined that a girl had dropped her keys in a trash dumpster and needed assistance getting them out.

Public Peace
Officers responded to Helaman Halls regarding a noise complaint. It was almost midnight, and people were playing on the basketball court just outside May Hall. When the officers arrived, they found a group playing spike ball. The group was informed about the noise complaint and told that they would have to stop for the night. The group complied politely, and there were no further complaints.

A female player was participating in flag football at the University North Fields when she took an elbow to the nose. She was assessed by BYU EMS and then had a friend take her to InstaCare.

An elderly male attending the BYU women's volleyball game complained of a spider bite. He was assessed by BYU EMS and released per their protocol.

An officer and BYU EMS were dispatched to the Benson Building on the report of a student not feeling well. The officer advised EMS to advise if officer assistance was needed. EMS assessed the patient, and the patient was released per protocol.

A BYU officer responded to a lost property report in Lot 4. The victim accidentally left his skateboard in the parking lot next to his vehicle when he departed. While reviewing video surveillance, the officer observed someone stopping to pick up the victim's skateboard. The officer bookmarked the camera footage and will forward the case to Investigations for follow-up.

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Police Beat • 09/17/2024

Criminal Mischief
Officers responded to the Y-trailhead after the gate was closed to several minors who were in the process of making dry ice bombs. The minors were educated about the hazards associated with dry ice bombs and instructed to clean up the dry ice from the parking lot. They left the area without incident, and there was no property damage caused by the dry ice bomb.

Traffic Offense
An officer was contacted in the parking lot at the JKB by a student who had removed a parking boot from his vehicle. The student had removed the self-release boot by paying online and receiving a code to unlock it. The student's name and information were recorded in the involvement log. There weren't any parking service officers on duty, so the boot was taken and left in the parking office.

An officer responded to the report of an unconscious female student in the cadaver lab of the Life Science Building. Upon arrival, BYU EMS and Provo Fire found that the student remained unconscious. After Provo Fire assisted her in regaining consciousness, she disclosed that she had a history of fainting and struggled with insomnia. She explained that she was trying a new medication to help her sleep. While she waited for her ride home, the officer and BYU EMS remained on the scene until her transportation arrived. The AED was retrieved from the station on the second floor near the elevators but was not used; thus, the officer returned it to the alarmed box. Dispatch contacted risk management, which stated that they would service the AED the following day.

An officer contacted a student at the police department who wished to report a suspicious text message received recently. The messages indicated that the unknown texter knew the student's location. The officer advised the student about the nature of scam texts and emails, recommending that the student block the caller and delete the messages after they were documented. The student was also advised to report the incident to the local police and to

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Police Beat • 09/16/2024

Traffic Offense
An officer responded to Heritage Halls regarding a report of two motorcycles riding on the sidewalk. Upon arrival, the officer could not locate the motorcycles in question. After checking the area, it appeared they had left before he arrived.

An officer responded to Heritage Halls Building 11 following a report of a person with a broken arm. Upon arrival, the officer found a male student lying near the entrance of Building 11 with an obvious fracture. He reported that he had been playing ultimate frisbee and tripped over the concrete landscape wall near the sidewalk. BYU EMS and Provo Fire arrived and provided treatment. The student was placed in an air cast and given pain medication before being transported to Intermountain Utah Valley Hospital by ambulance.

Traffic Accident
An officer was dispatched to Helaman Halls on a report of a delayed hit-and-run in the parking lot. The person driving the vehicle was contacted and responded to the parking lot. He stated he was unaware he had hit the complainant's vehicle while parking. The parties agreed to deal with the damages between the two of them. The officer changed the call from a hit-and-run to a traffic accident with minor damage.

A twenty-year-old female dislocated her knee at West Campus. The officer who responded was told the female had a history of knee problems. The Provo EMS unit stabilized the knee and transported the female to the Utah Valley Hospital by ambulance.

Hit & Run
An officer responded to the West Campus area of Lot 46 following a report of a hit-and-run. This incident is believed to have occurred today between 0830 and 1745 hours. Upon arrival, the officer observed damage to a parked vehicle. The owner confirmed that the car had been parked unoccupied at this location all day. The damage was located on the right rear quarter panel. The officer reviewed camera footage but was unsuccessful in identifying a possible suspect, as the camera only covers a portion of the area. The officer is conducting additional follow-ups to locate any other cameras in the vicinity.

Report of a Missing Bike from Wyview Park Housing Complex. The officer contacted the caller, who reported that his bike had been at the location as of July 2024 but was no longer there. The officer checked security cameras in the area but was unsuccessful in finding any leads. Additionally, the officer has been researching lost property locally and may have located the bike at the Provo Police Department. A follow-up is being conducted to identify the missing bike.

An Officer and EMS were dispatched to the north side of the ASB on the report of an adult female who was having a seizure. The Officer arrived and assisted the patient until BYU and Provo EMS arrived. The patient was assessed and released to family members on the scene.

Traffic Accident
An officer responded to Lot 45 for a minor traffic accident. Both parties exchanged insurance information, and the officer completed the accident report.

Welfare Check
The officer checked on a female who was not answering dispatch when they tried to contact her when her Safe Walk app disconnected. The officer located the female in her apartment.

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Police Beat • 09/13/2024 - 09/15/2024

Sick Person
Officers responded to an unconscious patient at Heritage 12. Upon arrival, they found the patient lying in the hallway with her roommates nearby. One officer found a pulse and attempted to elicit a response from her. Provo Fire arrived and successfully got her to respond. The patient stated that she had not taken her medication and that she tends to pass out when she doesn’t. She was offered medical attention but said she was fine.

Welfare Check
The BYU Police Department was contacted by a parent who was concerned about their daughter's welfare. Officers were provided with the student's location on the BYU campus. They located the student and spoke with her regarding her mental health. The student stated that she was not thinking of harming herself or having suicidal thoughts and explained that she was only trying to distance herself from her parents. She had taken a fall a few days earlier and requested BYU EMS to assess and re-bandage her abrasions. After speaking with BYU EMS, the student requested to be transported to the hospital by Provo Fire/EMS to have her leg injuries checked.

Hit and Run
An officer responded to a hit-and-run accident in Lot 39. This morning, a student parked their car in front of the Richards Building. When the student returned a couple of hours later, they discovered that another vehicle had scraped the right rear corner of their bumper, leaving a scuff mark. No note was left, and no security cameras were monitoring the area. The officer subsequently filed an accident report.

Welfare Check
An officer responded to Helaman Halls to check on the welfare of a student reportedly experiencing mental health concerns. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with the student outside the building. She mentioned that she was not feeling well and was carrying her medication. The student stated she had been trying to contact her physician without success. She also shared that she had not taken her mental health medication for about two weeks but was willing to resume it if her doctor recommended it. The student expressed her willingness to consult another doctor and consented to go to the hospital. At her request, the officer provided transportation to the hospital for self-admission. Importantly, the student indicated that she was not feeling suicidal and that she did not have thoughts of harming herself or others. The officer coordinated with the on-call BYU CAPS physician, a supervisor at BYU Housing, and the student's parent, who had called the school. The Chief of Police was informed of the situation. Later that day, the officer transported the student from the hospital back to her dorm. She restarted her medication and made plans to contact CAPS to speak with a mental health counselor.

Citizen Contact
The Dispatch Center assigned an officer to call a student about her vehicle. When the officer spoke with the student, she stated she parked her car in Lot 33 on 09/13, and when she returned later that day it was gone. Officers checked the area parking lots and found the vehicle in Lot 56. The owner was informed of the vehicle's location.

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Police Beat • 09/12/2024

Property Damage
On September 13, 2024, at approximately 4:15 AM, an officer on patrol accidentally backed into a parking bollard on the south side of the McDonald Building, causing damage to the rear bumper of the patrol vehicle. There was no damage to the parking bollard

Agency Assist Robbery/Assault
While driving on University Parkway, a BYU police officer noticed a male who appeared to be a juvenile at the UVX bus stop, looking at a map. Due to the apparent juvenile being alone past curfew, the officer decided to make contact. When the officer pulled into Lot 20, the juvenile flagged him down. The juvenile reported that he had been robbed by other juveniles he knew. During the robbery, one of the other juveniles struck him on the head with a firearm. Based on the area described by the victim where the crime occurred, this incident will be investigated by the Provo Police. Provo Fire and Police responded to Lot 20. Provo Fire evaluated the juvenile but, after finding no life-threatening injuries or symptoms, they did not transport him to the hospital. A Provo police officer then drove the juvenile to the hospital and contacted his guardian at her residence.

Medical South Field
During the women's soccer game at South Field, a large plastic "Big 12" sign fell on a five-year-old boy, injuring him. The child was evaluated by both BYU EMS and Provo EMS and was transported to the hospital by ambulance. At the time the sign fell, the child's mother had gone to the car, leaving the father in charge. The father stated he was distracted and did not see the sign fall on his son. A member of the special events staff reported hearing a sound, and when she looked, she saw that the sign had fallen on the child. She immediately lifted the sign off him. The sign is mounted on caster wheels and is not securely anchored. The officer on scene filed a report and notified Risk Management.

An officer and EMS responded on a medical involving a student who fell in the parking lot in front of ASB. The patient complained of possible knee dislocation. The officer and EMS contacted the patient and provided care, comfort, and evaluation. Provo EMS responded and provided further aid. The patient was transported by POV to her residence. No further action taken at this time.

A BYU officer documented a traffic accident that occurred in a campus parking lot between two BYU-owned vehicles driven by student employees. Neither employee was injured, and the vehicles were drivable after the incident. The accident was not reportable.

Motorist Assist
A BYU officer was dispatched to the family student housing area on a report from a father that he accidentally locked the keys in his non-running, parked vehicle and that his 3-year-old child was also locked inside of the car. The father reported the child had been locked inside the car for 15 minutes and was becoming agitated.

Due to the rising temperature of the day, no running air in the car, the report of agitation to the child, and the delayed timing of the call to the police, the officer responded to the call with lights and sirens. The officer arrived and found that the child did not appear to be in distress. The officer was able to unlock the vehicle without incident. The father denied EMS for the child and the child appeared to be in good physical health.


BYU EMS responded to a student in the Eyring Science Center who was complaining of a nosebleed. EMS attended to the patient and released them on the scene. Officers did not respond.


An officer was assigned to contact an associate professor who had a concerning conversation with a student in class. The professor was teaching a basic writing process course and had made a couple of statements using the phrases "kill the ideas that don't work" and "murder your darlings and start the process over." These phrases are commonly used when someone is stuck on an idea. After class,

the student asked to speak with her and expressed that the phrases she used in class could potentially trigger homicidal thoughts in him. This alarmed the professor, prompting her to report the incident to the department chair and, subsequently, to the police. The case will be referred to investigators for follow-up.

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Police Beat • 09/11/2024

Suspicious Lot 31
An officer took a delayed phone report regarding a suspicious person hiding in the bushes near Lot 31. The complainant reported that after parking their car and walking up the stairs in the parking lot, a man hiding in the bushes began making animal noises and laughing. The incident occurred around 4:45 AM. This marks the second time in two days that this has happened, and officers will conduct extra patrols in the area over the coming week.

Attempt to Locate
On September 11, 2024, at 1904 hours, officers attempted to locate a black Toyota Prius that had triggered a hit on the LPR for having a stolen plate. The sergeant on duty recognized that this same Prius had received recent alerts, and officers had previously contacted the vehicle owner, who was in the process of obtaining new plates for the Prius. Officers conducted extra patrols in the area but were unable to locate the vehicle.

Found Property MTC
On September 11, 2024, an officer responded to the MTC front security booth regarding a report of a lost wallet found on MTC property. The officer contacted the wallet's owner, who stated that she had been at the MTC earlier that day to drop off a package for her son and had inadvertently left the wallet behind. She mentioned that she was in Eagle Mountain and unable to return to the MTC that day, but she arranged to pick up the wallet at the BYU police department the following day.

Lost Property WSC
A complainant left her purse in the Garden Room at the Wilkinson Student Center last Friday. Surveillance cameras showed a group of students finding the purse the following night, on Saturday, and attempting to turn it in to the lost and found. When the lost and found was closed, the group took the purse to the bowling alley and gave it to an employee. The employee placed the purse in a drawer and forgot about it. An officer later went to the bowling alley and recovered the purse. The complainant then visited the police department, where the officer returned her purse. The employee at the bowling alley also had a wallet that had been turned in a few days earlier, which was placed in the lost and found drop box on the second floor. The officer advised the employee to have people submit lost property to the drop box instead of placing it in a drawer to be forgotten.

Attempt to Locate 450 E University Parkway
An officer was dispatched to the area of a positive alert on a vehicle of interest via the license plate reader around the Marriot Center. Before the officer arrived in the area, the officer was notified by dispatch of the vehicle leaving the area West on Cougar Blvd. No contact was made.

Medical Cannon Center
An officer responded to the Cannon Center for an allergic reaction incident. Provo Fire and BYU EMS responded and assessed the patient at the scene. The person was released, and BYU EMS stayed with the individual until a friend arrived and transported them to the medical facility.

Citizen Contact
An officer was dispatched to speak with the complainant about a stolen scooter at the Harold B. Lee Library. The officer researched camera footage and found the complainant exiting the building with the scooter. The officer notified the complainant, who later stated that he had forgotten he had visited another building and found his scooter there.

Welfare Check
An officer responded to the Wilkinson Student Center regarding a person who was asking students to make purchases for them. When the officer arrived and contacted the subject, the subject was checked for warrants. There was a warrant for their arrest, but it was only extraditable in Salt Lake County. The subject was heading back to Orem, so, the officer gave the subject a ride to the Orem city limits on University Parkway.

Accident - Hit and Run
An officer responded to the report of a hit-and-run accident that occurred yesterday, involving a parked car in the Music Building Lot 27 area on the BYU campus. The officer contacted the complainant by phone and reviewed the surveillance video. The suspect vehicle was observed on camera; however, the suspect has not been identified. This case is under further investigation.

The officer responded to the Missionary Training Center on a fraud case involving a missionary and their credit card and debit card. The officer took the report and helped the missionary get his accounts closed. The officer will forward the case to investigations.

An officer responded to Lot 33 for a non-reportable accident between two vehicles. There were no injuries resulting from the accident, and only minor damage occurred. The drivers of each vehicle exchanged information, and the officer filed a report.

An officer took a report of a collision in Lot 50 on the BYU campus between a white van and a grey Subaru. The officer responded to the location and contacted the driver of the van who is a BYU employee. The vehicle is a BYU-owned vehicle. The owner of the Subaru was not present. This vehicle was parked and unoccupied. Information including photos was documented and gathered. The driver of the van was allowed to leave the scene. The case is under investigation pending contact with the owner of the involved vehicle.

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Police Beat • 09/10/2024

Found Property Trailhead
A complainant called the police to report that she had found a lost driver's license, a Visa debit card, and lip gloss while hiking the Y Trail. The police dispatch found a phone number for the property owner, so the officer called and left a message informing them of the found items. A few minutes later they called back and confirmed that they had lost the items. The officer then met the owner at the BYU Creamery on Ninth to return the belongings.

Traffic Accident Lot 49
A complainant parked his car in Lot 49, and upon returning, he discovered a note stating that the person who left it had scraped his vehicle and wanted to pay for the damage. The note included the name and phone number of the individual who had written it. The complainant asked the officer for advice on how to proceed. The officer advised him to contact the person who left the note, obtain their insurance information, and discuss how to handle the damage. The officer offered to remain on the scene while the complainant spoke with the individual, but the complainant declined, stating it would not be necessary. The officer then cleared the scene.

Medical HCEB
An officer was assigned to assist BYU EMS and the Provo Fire Department with a student experiencing chest pains and feeling faint. The student, who was attending an EMS class, reported that she wasn't feeling well. Paramedics assessed her at the scene and expressed concerns about her vital signs, particularly her high blood pressure. A friend agreed to transport her to Timpanogos Hospital Emergency to be evaluated.

Traffic Accident Lot 16
An Officer was dispatched to lot 16 on the report of a possible accident received by an automated system. Police dispatch contacted the officer before his arrival and advised that they had contacted the driver and learned there was no accident and that the call had occurred by mistake. No other action was taken.

Harassment MTC
An officer took another harassment report from the MTC, which involved the same person who had called over 50 times yesterday and has now called over 100 times this morning. The suspect's phone number was run through People Search, which revealed a name and address in Palm Harbor, Florida. The officer contacted the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, which confirmed that they have a record of the person in question and similar incidents within their jurisdiction. The Sheriff's Office agreed to send a deputy to the suspect's known address to investigate the reported phone harassment.

Animal Problem Lot 43
An Officer responded to Lot 43 on a injured deer. Dispatch contacted DWR who sent a DWR officer to euthanize the deer. The officer helped DWR load and take the deer.

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Police Beat • 09/09/2024

BYU officers were assigned to investigate a suspicious person at Wyview Park looking into the windows of vehicles. The suspect was described as being of Asian descent wearing a grey shirt and talking with someone sitting in a vehicle with Michigan license plates. That vehicle has been registered on campus. Officers patrolled the area multiple times but were unable to locate the individual. The case was closed due to the inability to find the suspect.

An officer responded to the MTC regarding a phone harassment complaint. A female caller contacted the MTC over 52 times today between 4:48 PM and 6:00 PM, expressing concerns about how missionaries are trained and requesting to speak with someone in authority. The area code of the number from which the female was calling is from Florida. The MTC requested that an officer not contact the female at this time; they only wanted the incident documented.

Hit & Run
An officer took a report of a hit-and-run accident in Lot 26. The incident occurred on Sunday morning between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM. The complainant stated that he had parked in the lot, and when he returned from his church services, he noticed a small dent and scratches on the left rear panel behind the door. The officer reviewed the surveillance video and determined that the incident had not happened on the BYU campus, but most likely occurred in the parking lot of the complainant's apartment complex. The complainant will contact Provo PD.

A complainant contacted the BYU Police Department to report an extortion incident. An eighteen-year-old male had sent embarrassing pictures of himself on Instagram and is now being threatened with messages stating that if he doesn't send $100 through Venmo, the pictures will be shared with his friends. The complainant did not send the money and was advised by the officer not to do so. Additionally, the complainant was advised to file an online complaint with IC3. The officer will document the extortion and refer the case for further investigation.

An officer responded to the JRCB to address concerns about an individual representing themselves as a law student and participating in classes without proper admission. The complainant informed the individual that they needed to seek admission for the following year, and that if they were found back at the law school before being officially admitted, a request for a ban would be filed

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Police Beat • 09/06/2024 - 09/08/2024

Welfare Check
An officer was dispatched to Helaman Halls for a welfare check on a possibly suicidal male. Upon arrival, the officer checked the apartment and spoke with the male's roommate, who informed him that the individual was not there. The officer then contacted the complainant, a friend of the potentially suicidal person. The complainant stated that her friend had texted her saying he planned to kill himself and noted that he had not responded to her messages for the past few hours. After speaking with the complainant, the officer called the individual’s mother, who mentioned that she had spoken with her son within the last hour. She indicated that he had been facing some challenges but was receiving counseling. The mother provided the officer with her son's phone number, and the officer called and spoke with him. The son agreed to meet with the officer, who then located him; the male had been driving around and talking with a friend. He stated that he was fine and appeared to be okay. After their conversation, the male and his friend returned to his apartment complex, and the officer called the mother to provide an update. She expressed her appreciation to the officer before they disconnected. After ensuring the individual was okay and communicating with both the mother and the complainant, the officer informed the Chief of the situation.

 Citizen Assist
A police officer responded to a report of a possibly stolen vehicle in Lot 56. Upon arrival, the officer contacted the reporting party who told the officer that he was mistaken about where he had parked and subsequently found his vehicle. No further action was taken.

Attempt to Locate Helaman Halls
Police officers responded to Helaman Halls after the License Plate Reader identified a reported stolen plate. The vehicle from which the plate had been stolen was a black Toyota Prius with its front plate missing. An officer arriving in the area observed a matching vehicle leaving Helaman Halls and heading southbound on Canyon Road. By the time the officer got back onto Canyon Road, the vehicle was no longer in the vicinity. Dispatch was able to contact the registered owner of the Prius and confirm that he was driving his vehicle in the Helaman Halls area at the time of the License Plate Reader alert. The registered owner informed dispatch that he had ordered new plates and planned to replace them as soon as possible to avoid triggering another License Plate Reader alert. No further action was taken.

Attempt to Locate
The BYU Dispatch Center informed BYU officers about a vehicle's registered owner, who appeared on a license plate reader (LPR) as a registered sex offender. The officer was able to locate a blue Hyundai Sonata. Upon contacting the occupants, who were both adults, the officer learned that they were planning to leave campus soon.

Disorderly Lot
An officer was dispatched to Wymount Terrace following a report of an adult male and female arguing loudly inside and outside their vehicle. When the officers arrived, they spoke to a complainant who stated that the male and female were yelling at each other, but he did not witness any criminal activity. The complainant mentioned that the male and female had left together in the vehicle before the officer's arrival. The Dispatch Center searched for but was unable to locate any surveillance video of the vehicle or the individuals involved. Officers patrolled the entire Wymount Terrace complex but were unable to locate the vehicle or its occupants

Vehicle Burglary
BYU Police were dispatched to a delayed vehicle burglary in Lot 44. The victim left her MacBook and AirPod Pros in her vehicle and parked the vehicle overnight. The victim learned the items were missing the following morning. There were no signs of forced entry. The officer gathered details and information about the stolen items and compiled a report. The MacBook and AirPods were listed NCIC. Patrol has conducted extensive follow-up on this case and has developed some suspect information. This case is still currently under investigation,

Citizen Contact
Officers responded to the Wilkinson Student Center following a report of a possibly transient male who was refusing to leave. They checked the area but were unable to locate the individual. Officers then contacted the building care staff, who indicated where the subject had been seen. The staff noted that they observe the male in the area every few days, particularly in the outside stairwell on the southwest corner of the building. There is an outdoor power outlet in that location, and it is believed that the subject is using it. The building care staff have never encountered the man inside the building. After a thorough search, officers did not locate the individual.

Citizen Contact
Officers responded to the area of the Cannon Center on a report of two suspicious males asking women to touch the car the men were standing next to. When the officers arrived, the individuals were gone.

BYU Police, BYU EMS, and Provo Fire responded to a report that a BYU Marching Band member had passed out. Upon arrival, the EMTs began to evaluate and treat the patient. It was determined that she had not lost complete consciousness and had simply fainted. The patient did not hit her head during the fall. She reported that she had not eaten for approximately four hours prior. The patient received treatment and was subsequently released.

BYU Police, EMS, and Provo Fire responded to the LSB for a bicyclist who had crashed and hit his head. Medics evaluated the patient and determined that no significant injuries had occurred. The patient was cleared and released to a family member. Nothing further.

Citizen Assist
A police officer took a delayed report of a possible hit-and-run. The officer checked camera footage in the area but did not observe anything that appeared to be a collision between another vehicle and the reporting party's vehicle. The officer notified the reporting party of the findings. The reporting party said there was a good chance the damage was caused the night before on an off-campus location.

A BYU officer was dispatched to Lot 37 for possible property damage. The reporting party wanted to document that another vehicle was touching his vehicle. The reporting party moved his vehicle, and it was determined that no damage had occurred. The reporting party declined to file a report and stated he did not need any law enforcement assistance.

An officer was dispatched to the area of Wymount Terrace Apartments and 900 East after a resident reported hearing someone walking near 900 East yelling obscenities. The complainant stated that she was neither scared nor worried; she simply wanted to report the incident. The officer patrolled the area but found no one walking or yelling. The complainant also indicated that she did not want a follow-up phone call. The updated information was then relayed to the Dispatch Center.

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Police Beat • 09/05/2024

Information Lot 45
An officer discovered an unattended golf cart parked in Lot 45 near the ticket office, with the keys left inside. The golf cart is a Club Car, marked with the BYU number 94 on the side. The BYU dispatch center was unable to determine which department the cart belonged to. The officer removed the keys for safekeeping and placed them on the BYU Fleet Manager's desk to be returned to the appropriate department.

Found Property
An officer was dispatched to meet with a complainant at the Jesse Knight Building. When the officer arrived, he spoke with the complainant and learned that she had found a State of Washington driver's license, a health insurance card, and a debit card on campus. The Dispatch Center and the officer worked together to find a phone number for the owner of the cards. The officer then contacted the owner and was able to return the cards to her.

Juvenile Problem
An officer was dispatched to the parking lot of the University Parkway Center to assist with a 12-year-old girl who was reportedly upset and attempting to hit her father. The complainant stated that the subject had experienced similar frustrations in the past and had found success in having law enforcement help him communicate with his daughter. He mentioned that he had made an appointment with his daughter's therapist for September 6th and planned to meet with the school administration on that same day to ensure they were aware of his daughter's recent aggressiveness.

Lost Property
A Caller reported losing the key fob to their Toyota Prius somewhere in or around the Smith Fieldhouse. The officer checked with Lost and Found at the Wilkinson Student Center. The student will check as well. The keys have not been located.

Motorist Assist
An officer responded to a stranded motorist near 500 E University Parkway. The officer was able to help the driver get the vehicle started and moved from the roadway. Nothing further.

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